New listing on the Louisiana Artist Roster

Bienvenue sur la liste d'artiste de Louisiane!

The Louisiana Division of the Arts is pleased to present their newest artist member. Her name is Robin Toler and the news of her being put on the official state roster came earlier this week. The. Louisiana State Artist Roster represent a diverse range of artistic disciplines. After several years in the making, I could not be happier about this prestigious status. Robin Toler is now listed as an official "Louisiana Artist"! My application met their stringent criteria. My life long dream has come through after many years. This is really fantastic!

I want to thank the Louisiana Division of the Arts for all their support and encouragement toward completing the application. I understand many people apply and not many are accepted. Being on the official Louisiana Artist Roster will give me a super networking advantage giving art collectors, fans, and supporters more opportunities to view it. Much credit and kudos goes directly to The Louisiana Division of the Arts for accepting me for the Louisiana State Artist Roster. It is a privilege and an honor to be included on this list of distinctive Louisiana artists.